Service & TÜV
We understand that the service for carbon parts and the TÜV certification in Germany is of great importance to our customers. Unfortunately, due to the extremely high costs for ABE and parts certificates, especially for our business customers, we have not yet created parts certificates and ABEs for our dry carbon parts. However, we are trying to offer a parts certificate or, if necessary, an ABE for some of our best-selling parts in cooperation with TÜV as soon as possible.
We can currently offer you a TÜV material report for registration, which can be registered in Germany in accordance with §21 StVZO. In recent years we have had many parts registered successfully and without problems using the material report. Please note, however, that registration is at the discretion of the TÜV inspector.
In 88138 we offer TÜV registration and the installation of our parts by appointment. You are welcome to contact us by email to make an appointment. The current lead time for an appointment is around 4 to 8 weeks.
We can currently offer you a TÜV material report for registration, which can be registered in Germany in accordance with §21 StVZO. In recent years we have had many parts registered successfully and without problems using the material report. Please note, however, that registration is at the discretion of the TÜV inspector.
In 88138 we offer TÜV registration and the installation of our parts by appointment. You are welcome to contact us by email to make an appointment. The current lead time for an appointment is around 4 to 8 weeks.